Friday, July 21, 2006

Lord, Search My Heart

Photographer: Maya Gilliam
I have a Feast on THE WORD Gathering at my home once a month. Well, at the one two weeks son had a special request. He asked the ladies, "Before leaving could you pray for my mom about finishing a writing project. She's really having major problems." Well, right there at the door my six sisters in Christ and my son, laid hands on me and asked God to get my creative juices a'flowin'.

The resulting testimony? Talk about getting real...

Days prior, through prayer and talking with my pastor, the Holy Spirit revealed that I had not truly forgiven my mother. In addition to confirmation, my son's request and the subsequent laying on of hands shed light on the connection to my unforgiving spirit and the blockage in my writing. I needed to deal with that FIRST--forgive once for all.

I made a conscious decision to forgive my mother and once i did that (God brought an opportunity that I seized. This past Sunday, my granddaughter and I went to see my mom with her favorite food--cooked Maryland crabs in tow. From the moment my mom greeted us at the door I noticed that all twinges of resentment and uneasy feelings that I alway felt in her presence...WERE GONE. we had a blessed time together.

After that visit, the writing and a whole lot more broke loose and began to flow!!! flow and flow.

At 4:00 a.m. this morning, (7/20) I clicked "send" on and email to my agent with the "Introduction" attached for what I hope will be my next book. She asked me to write it and send it to her in March. Try as I was not happening. I felt like Jacob must have felt wrestling with God and I was loosing--until I obeyed and forgave. I'm shouting my granddaughter, Michal's favorite praise, Halleleujah! Thank you, Jesus!!!!

© 2006, Stanice Anderson,
Also check out my blog, Stanice's Open Mic, which features YOUR testimonies and talents.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Inspiration Cometh...Soon Lord?

Recently, the founder of a national book club* asked, "What inspires you to write?"

My answer?

Gratitude and my fervent desire to fully use my gifts and talents so that God gets as much glory as possible out of this life that He so graciously spared—compels me to write. For me, compelled begets inspiration. While procrastination is one of my weaknesses, discernment and faith are two of my strengths. Thus, when the pain of not writing becomes greater than the pain and toil I often find within the act of writing—then, I write. Writing is my cross and reward.

What is it that you love to do and what inspires you to do it?

Your answer?

Post your answers here under "comments." And/Or e-mail them to me, Stanice Anderson, at stanice@stanice.comand I will post them on my blog, Stanice's Open Mic, which features YOUR talents and testimonies. Submissions should be no more than 100 words. (My answer above is 85 words.)

Also email this to we might have the blessing of their input. Click the envelop below by comments icon. All submissions should be posted and/or emailed before July's end so that I can post the first week in August. I can include a link to your website or web page, if you add my link to yours (at least for the month of August). I enjoy 17,000+ visits to my site and blogs per month.

© 2006, Stanice Anderson,

*Also Visit The Sistah Circle Book Club . They've really been good to me.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The now-Late Kenneth Lay

When first I saw the headline in the NY Times this morning:

Ex-Chairman of Enron Dies
"Kenneth L. Lay died of a heart attack, early reports said. He faced a long prison term for ten counts of fraud and conspiracy..."

I thought, "Wow, he got away!"

But my second and most peaceful thought was:

"No, now like the Hebrew National Hot Dog commercial says, 'We have to answer to a higher authority.' And so does, the late-Lay."

"Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment..." Hebrews 9:27 (NIV)

"For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil." Ecclesiastes 12:14 (NIV)
So it shall it ever be.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


THE TESTIMONY (a 4-min. video) is my Soul Shout offering today. I pray that God continues to use my testimony to get as much glory as possible out of this life that He so graciously spared.

This is the Word that undergirds the writing and speaking ministry entrusted to me:
“They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…” Revelation 12:11 (NIV)

“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11-14
God is blessing us, right now! He's already assigned people to read, see, and hear this multimedia message of hope. Should you feel led, please pass it on.
A loving thank you to the New Life Bible Church Family in Fayetteville, NC for hosting me and providing the video of which THE TESTIMONY is an excerpted clip.
If you're unable to access the video using the link above, copy and paste the link below onto your browser:

© 2006, Stanice Anderson Go my website and sign up to be a part of my e-mail list family which includes my free monthly series, Food for The Spirit.