Thursday, March 31, 2005

A Living Will I Can Live With

Stanice's Website

With living wills and medical directives in news’ forefront, I say this…

I know my son. My son knows me. I love my son and we both love God—more! By faith, I know that God uses my son when it comes to anything concerning me.

Therefore, I’m telling my son this, “Should something happen to me where I can’t make a medical decision for myself, pray and ask God to show you His will for your Momma and make it so plain that even you—with all the love that overflows in your heart for me—will understand.”

It’s like this, we both believe in miracles—we’ve seen God perform them too many times in our personal lives—so, I’ll continue with…

“Son, leave room for a miracle; however, understand that going home to be with Jesus is a miracle, too. For your momma’s gonna get a new—immortal—body that will never wear out! And because we know Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we will see each other again and never have to say goodbye.”

Now for those of you that say that sounds pretty but how real is it?

I say to you, “Find out for yourself. My word ain’t enough to bank your eternity on—but God’s Word—that’s another story with a marvelous ending. Read 1 Corinthians Chapter 15: Verses 35-58, Revelation 21:4, Hebrews 11:16, 2 Corinthians 5:8, and Luke 16:19-31

Here, I’ve made it simple for you. Click on link below. I wouldn’t want you to miss your blessing.

I'm willing to find out for myself

If you are not certain of your eternal destiny and want to be, go onto my website’s page, “WantPeace?

Stanice's Website
(c) 2005 Stanice Anderson

Monday, March 28, 2005

Thoughts Eluded

Today, fresh and exciting thoughts that tickled my newly awakened mind evaded capture like butterflies from hole-ridden nets. They were so vivid whilst I lay but by the time my feet hit the floor and pen inked the page, the words melted one into the other and became like vapors suspended in the air. “There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home,” the thoughts taunted. Then trailed off into nothingness—desiring rather to remain hidden somewhere between sleep and awake under the cloak of a dream.
© 2005 Stanice Anderson

Monday, March 21, 2005

a MUST read book...

I am reading a short, simple book, Favor The Road to Success by Bob Buess, that is revolutionizing my thought processes. It is helping me to see God through every fiber of my life and understand that I have my very being in God’s favor and that He is giving me favor and success—His and man’s. Omie, first shared with me the principles of book about 10 years ago while I lived in North Carolina. During Wednesday night's Feast On THE WORD Gathering, she came with the book and a testimony.

The woman Omie loaned the book to about 12 years ago had moved to Africa (unbeknownst to Omie). Last week, when the woman returned to the US, she mailed from the airport a note and photocopy of the book to Omie. Now armed with the name and author of the book, Omie went to a bookstore and ordered it. Omie loaned me her book. Instead of reading it and moving to Africa with it, I read it and then ordered my own copy. It was first published by Whitaker House in 1973 and reprinted in 1992. It is indeed a MUST read.

I confess favor and success for you as you read it. God is going to use it to invigorate your walk with Him.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

A Few of My Favorite Things

I appreciate and bask in God's love, friendship, family, creativity, and enjoy traveling, reading, peppermint tea with orange blossom honey. I have a passion for people, sharing my testimony, oceans and other bodies of water; music like ambient-jazz-r&b-alternative-latin jazz-contemporary Christian-waterfalls and other sounds in nature-crickets on a hot summer's night; pancakes, waffles, ice cream, spinach, seafood; walks in the park, museums, horses, and beta fish. I love laughter, sunsets and sunrises, mountains and sandy shores, popcorn, and corn on the dogs on the grill, amusement parks, Discovery, A&E, Sundance Channel and Book-TV. Twizzlers, Dell computers, God's promises, people, and stories of the Bible, reading out loud, singing, and microphones. I'm energized by the smell of salty oceans and the clarity of the Caribbean Sea, conversations with Vincentians, and the nothingness of silence. The possibilities of a blank page, the probabilities of a finished manuscript. Yes, these are a few of my favorite things.
© 2005, Stanice Anderson

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Poem: Love Is

from Lost Poetry Found Collection by Stanice Anderson

Love is
One Total aspect of your being finally uncovered, discovered, conquered.
Love is
Behind our masks of hate
Our masks of jealousy
Our masks of deceit.
Love is
you, Love is me.
An epic left unproclaimed
An hour left unmeasured.
Love IS.

© 1972 Stanice L. Anderson
Poem from Lost Poetry Found Collection
As referenced in I Say A Prayer for Me.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Participate In A Miracle

A letter from my friend, Deborah Baldwin, Suitland, MD "I am sending this message out to all of you, first of all, to ask for your prayers and best wishes. I am also looking for a kidney donor. There’s no better way for me to say it. I registered with the Washington Hospital Center’s Transplantation Services and I have been informed that the wait for a kidney can be as long as 7 years. In the meantime, I've started dialysis. IF THIS IS HEAVY FOR YOU, JUST IMAGE WHAT I’M GOING THROUGH!!! I’m looking for anyone who is willing to be tested for possible donation. It may not be you. It may be someone you know, a relative, friend, co-worker or anyone. I’m asking that you share this information with your email buddies, in general conversations, in your church, or wherever you find yourselves. You never know what may happen. Thank you all for listening and sharing this message with others. Peace and Love, Deborah Baldwin

Friday, March 04, 2005

God's Box #1: "Who Will Hear My Cry?"

by Brenda Garard, Atlanta, GA
All my life I've cried from the inside out, I hold it in till it makes me want to shout. I often wondered if it could be heard aloud, so I decided to speak out. Even then I wonder why I'm made to feel so bad when I just want answers within. The questions aren't really directed at anyone in perticular, it's just all bundled up ready to come out. That's why I like the outdoors so much. That's why when I cry out to God I ask that He put me out in an open field. where I can just cry. Cry just because I can. Cry because I couldn't. Cry because I keep crying and no one hears my cry. Cry. I have so many questions why, Cry because I still think it's all my fault even though I know it's just part of His plan. Some times I cry just because I don't know what else to do. So one day as I was reading the Bible, and my soul was crying out. Then God showed me Psalm 34:4. " I sought the Lord, He heard my cry and delivered me from all my fears! Hallelujah! But still I cry. As God has promised, one day no more tears, pain or suffering.
© 2005, Brenda Garard

Note: When Brenda sent me this piece I thought it would be a good idea to have a regular department on my blog that I can written pieces from my readers who want to share their testimony's/discoverys/soul searchings, etc., with the world. Brenda even came up with a name for this new section, "God's Box." So here is the first of many. If you'd like to see your writing published here, email your God's Box offerings to me (along with permission to post) This first one is 213 words. Word limit is 250 maximum.