With living wills and medical directives in news’ forefront, I say this…

Therefore, I’m telling my son this, “Should something happen to me where I can’t make a medical decision for myself, pray and ask God to show you His will for your Momma and make it so plain that even you—with all the love that overflows in your heart for me—will understand.”
It’s like this, we both believe in miracles—we’ve seen God perform them too many times in our personal lives—so, I’ll continue with…
“Son, leave room for a miracle; however, understand that going home to be with Jesus is a miracle, too. For your momma’s gonna get a new—immortal—body that will never wear out! And because we know Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we will see each other again and never have to say goodbye.”
Now for those of you that say that sounds pretty but how real is it?
I say to you, “Find out for yourself. My word ain’t enough to bank your eternity on—but God’s Word—that’s another story with a marvelous ending. Read 1 Corinthians Chapter 15: Verses 35-58, Revelation 21:4, Hebrews 11:16, 2 Corinthians 5:8, and Luke 16:19-31
Here, I’ve made it simple for you. Click on link below. I wouldn’t want you to miss your blessing.
I'm willing to find out for myself
If you are not certain of your eternal destiny and want to be, go onto my website’s page, “WantPeace?”
Stanice's Website
(c) 2005 Stanice Anderson
1 comment:
Now that's the kind of living will folks need to given. Makes too much sense to me. :)
Mary Griffith
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