Sunday, December 25, 2005

Gift for the Writer in You - Bonefire! Conference

Daughters of the King Ministries and St. Joseph’s AME Church of Durham, NC Invites you to attend… Bonefire! Women's Conference February 3-4, 2006

Whether God calls you to write or not, you have a God-given vision for your life! When God gives you something, it stays with you morning, noon, and night until you do what He says to do, the way He says to do it. It becomes like fire shut up in your bones. It becomes so hot that you have to write it down. It becomes such a powerful force that you can barely move or think.

Come and hear from experienced authors and teachers who can help you to not only write your vision, but also give you spiritual and practical insight to find your purpose and fulfill your destiny!
The roster of national Christian authors and experienced teachers, reads as a "Who's Who" of the Christian publishing world, such as: Sharon Ewell-Foster; Jacquelin Thomas; Stanice Anderson; Michele Andrea Bowen-Brown; Rebecca Osaigbovo; Victoria Johnson; Marilynn Griffith and Claudia Burney, are confirmed to be at the Bonefire! Women's Conference. Collectively these distinguished authors have published numerous books and have hundreds of powerful testimonies to share with Conference attendees,about discovering God's purpose for their lives. They will share how they were able to articulate their vision through their writing.
Registration is just $69.00! To register, follow the Bonefire! registration link on the website above. Give a registration to a “Sistahfriend” for Christmas and we will send her a special keepsake from Dr. Gail Hayes confirming her registration!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I Said a Prayer for YOU by Stanice

To those of you who read and support me, including Stanice's Open Mic, Soul Shout, and, thank you for another year of blessings, encouragment, and prayers for me and my family.

I pray you one of the most joyous Christmas' EVER and a new year that will usher in a tremendously abundant season of God’s blessings, provision, peace and favor in absolutely every area of your life and that of your family. I pray that He launches you out into the deep as you are fishers of men, women, and children, in the manner and with the gifts that He has assigned to you. And that He make that path so clear that you understand and receive the Holy Spirit's enablement and empowerment to walk it out in your daily life. I also pray for you who don't know YET Jesus as Your Lord and Savior. I dare you to pray, "Lord, that woman, Stanice, said that YOU are REAL and that YOU Want to have a relationship with me. If you are real and if you do--show yourself to me and make it soooo plain that it is YOU calling me...that even I will know it, feel it, hear it in my heart so loudly...over all the clutter that vyies for my attention on a daily basis." To us all and for us all, May the Lord Jesus The Christ, Immanuel (God with Us), The King of Kings and Lord of the Universe, grant us the desires of ours hearts as we seek Him first ALWAYS, in His Own Name. Amen. So be it! So it is!

We love you and thank God for you.
Stanice, son--Mike, granddaughter--Michal Zoe, and grand-TWINS due on Valentine Day 2006. Praising God from whom ALL blessing forever flow!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Michal Zoe...My Crown

Proverbs 17:6 Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children

According to God's Word, our grandchildren are our crown. And if that wasn't wonderful enough, we are the pride of our children and they are pride of theirs.

What a blessing and great joy to see ourselves as God sees us. What a freedom to know THE WORD for ourselves.

© 2005 Photographer GrandMa-Ma Stanice
© 2005 Stanice Anderson, Inspirational Speaker & Author

Sunday, December 18, 2005

On Days Like These

On days like these,
the dream seems so big
and the resources so few
and the confidence so null and void.
On days like these,
the Holy Spirit reminds me
that the cattle on a thousand hills
are God's--just as I am.
The Lord is my shepard,
I shall not want...
on days like these.
I pray pass the cirumstances
and rest in the pastures of faith.

© 2005 Stanice Anderson, Inspirational Speaker & Author

Friday, December 16, 2005

Unexpected Blessings

Introducing, Hazel Ball, the owner of the Gospel News TV (GNTV) network. She interviewed me on the cable TV show that she hosts; and since that time we have become friends and prayer partners. What a blessed woman who God has granted such vision, style, and energy when it comes to furthering the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

It's wonderful when you get an surprise email with unsolicited favor and generosity. It shows me how God is working, on our behalf, even behind the scenes unbeknownst to us--working on his plans and purposes that He alone knows for our lives. I am in awe of Him and how he grants us favor with the people that He places on our paths.
Here's the email:"Stanice, Because you have been such a supporter of GNTV Ministries We are in the process of adding your book and website link to ours. When folks come to GNTV, they will see your book and weblink. You are a GNTV family member. Please share with your friends that they can advertise their businesses on GNTV for $99.00 for 99 weeks.
Much Love,
Hazel Ball
CEO/Executive Producer
GNTV P.O. Box 15629
Alexandria,Va 22309
Gospel News TV Network
Where Everyday Is Good News
Serving 3.5 Million Households
and NOW...her territory enlarged

Gospel News TV Network Radio

So let Hazel know that you heard about her right here on SOUL SHOUT!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I Would Rather Live!

This morning, a good friend and sister in Christ, Lois, took the time and emailed me this photo along with these few potent words:

"I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is."

I, in turn, feel led to share it with you and offer to walk with you as Jesus Christ, personally, through the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit, leads you through the "next steps." This is not a coincidence nor an accident that you are right here, right now. You must have been praying and/or somebody's praying for you. I know I have and it's likely that we've never even met. But in the spirit, we have...more than likely I have been where you are right now and I can tell you...through it all and perhaps even because of it all--IT'S GONNA BE ALL RIGHT. If it brought you to this this crossroad--then, IT'S ALL GOOD.

Yes, even inaudible prayers have been seeping up out of your heart now for awhile and I thank God that He leads me even now to let you know that He has heard your prayers and that what he offers you is NOT RELIGIOSITY but RELATIONSHIP. A personal and intimate relationship with the Himself made possible only through His Son, Jesus Christ. John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Billy Graham fanned the fire of spiritual clarity in my heart one day when I heard him say, "Religion is man's way of trying to reach God but Jesus Christ is God's way of trying to reach man."

If you haven’t already, you can pray, right this minute. Why wait for a time that you don't know that you have? I didn’t wait. I was in my self-imposed dungeon of an apartment when I asked Jesus to come into my life and He did! Right where I was!
Pray with me…"Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says, "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:21). I am calling on You. I pray and ask Jesus to come into my heart and be Lord over my life according to Romans 10:9-10 which says, "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." I do that now, Father, I confess that Jesus is Lord, and I believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead.

I am a Christian - a child of Almighty God, I am born again and I am saved! Amen!"
Congratulations, on your brand new beginning! You have just made the absolute, very best decision of your entire life!

And now, I say a pray for YOU.
Father God, I pray now for my new siblings through Christ Jesus. What a joy! Do for them what you've done for me and MORE besides. Reveal the plans You alone know that you have for their lives, plans for prosperity and not disaster. Your plans to give them a future and a hope just as You say in Your Word in the 29th chapter of Jeremiah, verses 11 through 14. Fill them now with your Holy Spirit so that they can do all things through Christ who strengths them. I ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen. So be it!

John 10:10
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (New International Version)

Deuteronomy 30:19-20 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (New International Version)
For more and to email me about your destiny-changing decision for Jesus, click to go a page on my website or email me at

NOTE: If you already have a personal and intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ, let's continue to grow in that relationship and let's share this spirit-led message with others who have yet to discover the peace and joy we've found in being Jesus lovers--and watch was God does through our obedience to spread the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ--in whatever form.

© 2005 Stanice Anderson, Inspirational Speaker & Author