Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I Said a Prayer for YOU by Stanice

To those of you who read and support me, including Stanice's Open Mic, Soul Shout, and, thank you for another year of blessings, encouragment, and prayers for me and my family.

I pray you one of the most joyous Christmas' EVER and a new year that will usher in a tremendously abundant season of God’s blessings, provision, peace and favor in absolutely every area of your life and that of your family. I pray that He launches you out into the deep as you are fishers of men, women, and children, in the manner and with the gifts that He has assigned to you. And that He make that path so clear that you understand and receive the Holy Spirit's enablement and empowerment to walk it out in your daily life. I also pray for you who don't know YET Jesus as Your Lord and Savior. I dare you to pray, "Lord, that woman, Stanice, said that YOU are REAL and that YOU Want to have a relationship with me. If you are real and if you do--show yourself to me and make it soooo plain that it is YOU calling me...that even I will know it, feel it, hear it in my heart so loudly...over all the clutter that vyies for my attention on a daily basis." To us all and for us all, May the Lord Jesus The Christ, Immanuel (God with Us), The King of Kings and Lord of the Universe, grant us the desires of ours hearts as we seek Him first ALWAYS, in His Own Name. Amen. So be it! So it is!

We love you and thank God for you.
Stanice, son--Mike, granddaughter--Michal Zoe, and grand-TWINS due on Valentine Day 2006. Praising God from whom ALL blessing forever flow!

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