Thursday, November 18, 2004

A Winter Sunrise at Virginia Beach

A winter sunrise at virginia beach

a sliver of crimson orange played peek-a-boo with me this morning.
slowly, it caste a pulsating neon orange light on a lane of ocean.
Then, it tossed moments of shimmering gold dust
onto the ocean that beaconed me to follow the yellow gold dust lane
to the sun.

i felt the heat of the sun on my forehead and cheek through the badly-in-need-of-Windex glass balcony door.
my eyes squinted at the brilliance of the sun.

the sun has risen—a day's work begins.

the grunting churns and back-up beeps of the bulldozers crowd out the quiet.
Memorial Day is not far away.
there is sand to move, a boardwalk to build
and stories to edit.
The previous window into God's glory has shut...
another one opens.
i've lived to be a part of both.

© 1999 stanice anderson

Feast in THE WORD Gathering 11/10/04

After awesome testimony dealing with co-workers, the Holy Spirit led us to discuss becoming humble and letting God use us to do His work.

The Holy Spirit led us to feast on THE WORD as follows:

Psalm 131
Luke 14:11 & Matthew 23:12
Obadiah verse 4 (Group Fresh Discovery!! Obadiah is only chapter, thus when referenced it's Obadiah 4)

Throughout our time together it was like The Holy Spirit reiterating to us the need for us to continue to LET GO AND LET GOD.

Monday, November 08, 2004

At end of your tunnel?

There is a light at the end of the tunnel...and His Name is Jesus Christ.

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Counting the Cost

The cost of my writing and publication of my memoir, I Say A Prayer for Me?

I lost what little was left of the volatile relationships with my mother and brother. Both abhor the mention of my name. It is my understanding that most others in my family, whisper, “I’d rather not talk about it. You got to read it for yourself.”

Perhaps the only thing that spared my relationship with my dad was his death before the book’s conception.

If given the opportunity by some freak of the cosmos to slurp back every word in a warp-speed rewind into nothingness, would I?

Emphatically, “No.” I have no doubt that God predestined me to survive and thrive everything that I lived through thus far in order to write every word written and left yet to write. As well as, promised to meet every reader within the pages long before any of the manuscripts are completed.

The lesson in writing and publication of my memoir, I Say A Prayer for Me?

"Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. (1 Samuel 15:22)