Thursday, November 18, 2004

A Winter Sunrise at Virginia Beach

A winter sunrise at virginia beach

a sliver of crimson orange played peek-a-boo with me this morning.
slowly, it caste a pulsating neon orange light on a lane of ocean.
Then, it tossed moments of shimmering gold dust
onto the ocean that beaconed me to follow the yellow gold dust lane
to the sun.

i felt the heat of the sun on my forehead and cheek through the badly-in-need-of-Windex glass balcony door.
my eyes squinted at the brilliance of the sun.

the sun has risen—a day's work begins.

the grunting churns and back-up beeps of the bulldozers crowd out the quiet.
Memorial Day is not far away.
there is sand to move, a boardwalk to build
and stories to edit.
The previous window into God's glory has shut...
another one opens.
i've lived to be a part of both.

© 1999 stanice anderson

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