Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Sometimes, Truth Hurts!

Hey there, Water Walkers and Water Walker Wannabes:

Minutes ago, I visited Novelist Rhonda McKnight's FB page as she shared about her mom crying when she received copies of Rhonda's new book, An Inconvenient Friend

Tears of joy.  I love it!  Gives me hope; but surprisingly, also, brought up pain. 

You see, my books are nonfiction.  In my case, my mom still spews displeasure, hate, and venom anytime my last book, I Say A Prayer For Me, is mentioned, comes to mind.  Recently, she let me know that she doesn't want to see the new one or anything else I write.  It hurts.  But write on, I must.

She also doesn’t want to know anything about me speaking anywhere.  If I never got another opportunity to speak it; she would love it.  But God opens doors, and I speak on.  I must. 

Now, writing this—my feelings—my experience, I feel censured by some whispered unwritten rule created to rise up against my voice steeped in what have become my greatest allies, TRANSPARENCY and HONESTY. 

While I’m living within the my passion and I believe God's purpose for my life, it alienates me from the woman who birthed the woman I was destined and designed to be.  Out of respect and to keep the peace, with the one woman I love above all women—my mother; what I do, is unspoken.  Sometimes, it’s best to understand rather than be understood.

Sometimes, truth hurts!

But to acknowledge and embrace who God has called us to be; we must acknowledge and let go of who we were when, by Grace, He chose to extract us from the dark and into His marvelous light.  The moment this wonderful new reality hits us, this grace and mercy that we’ve so freely received, we give up the world’s way—of secrets and sequestered lies that we thought were keeping us afloat and who we really were hidden from the world.  Instead, we yield to what no eye has seen or ear has heard—the blessings of a saved life; the wondrous plans and purposes for our lives, as sifted gold through the Fingers of God.

But God’s truth always sets FREE! 

Posted via email from Stanice Anderson's WOW Zone

See you there? National Christian Writers Conference At Howard University, Sat. Aug 14th

Hey there, Water-Walkers and Water-Walker Wannabes:

I wanted to share this event with you.  I am so there!  My friend & PR CoachPam Perryis putting on this national conference.  She has been such a blessing to me since 2002 when my book, I Say A Prayer, was published.  And now she's making sure I have the tools to promote my new book, Walking On Water When The Ground Ain't Enuf, coming later this month.  Please come out.  

Pam Perry

Do you have an idea for a terrific story? Do you need help transferring your ideas into book format? Have you written a manuscript but don’t know where to go to publish it? Come to the National Christian Writers Conference for a day of high powered workshops, panel discussions, and networking. Learn how to write like a pro and get noticed in the Christian marketplace, use social media tools, and much more.  Learn More about Writing, Publishing, & Marketing & meet, Michelle McKinney Hammond, Stacy Hawkins Adams, Karen Hunter

Will you be at the National Christian Writers Conference?

Spread the news! Open to the public from 11am to 12:30p. Howard Gospel Choir performance, NCWC Celebration and Hub Bookstore Book Festival. Register to attend the #1 Conference for Writers, Authors and Speakers. Powerful publishing and wealth building workshops.

August 14, 2010  8am to 6pm

Howard University,  B. E. Mays Hall, 1400 Shepherd St. N.E.

2400 Sixth Street NW, Washington, DC 20017

Accommodations: Kellogg Conference Hotel

Meet Michelle McKinney Hammond, President/Founder of HeartWing Ministries, which hosts annual DIVA Weekend Getaway Conferences. She is the author of over 30 books on living, loving & over-coming. - She will be the featured luncheon speaker at the NATIONAL CHRISTIAN WRITERS CONFERENCE at Howard University. 

Meet Stacy Hawkins Adams > Christian Novelist & Speaker.  Join us for an empowering event that will expand your creativity & accelerate your goals!   

Come Learn with Us If you need answers to your questions about book publishing, this conference focuses on providing you access to experts who can give you the answers you desire. Bring yourself or invite someone you know who could gain something from attend an action packed event in August of 2010.

Click Here to Register!


Call our conference at (877) 544-3001 to discover how you can attend the world of Christian book publishing.


God is blessing us right now!

Stanice Anderson

Author, Inspirational Speaker and Performance Artist

Posted via email from Stanice Anderson's WOW Zone

Monday, August 02, 2010

Just-in from Patrice Gaines, Author/Former Washing Post Reporter & Speaker

“Stanice Anderson adheres to the credo of writing instructors: “Write what you know.”  What she knows is how to walk on water.  She had the faith to walk away from drug addiction, even when there didn’t seem to be ground under her feet.  She reached a hand to the sky and was lifted over sinking sands.  Her words will make you soar above whatever is holding you down.  Consider ‘Walking On Water When The Ground Ain’t Enuf,’ a boat built by years of faith.  Open the book covers and hop on board.”  Patrice Gaines, Author & former Washington Post Reporter

To pre-order signed copies of Stanice’s new book, WALKING ON WATER WHEN THE GROUND AIN'T ENUF, for $13.95 plus FREE SHIPPING, click this link Offer expires August 5, 2010

Also visit her blog/website for more information and to book Stanice as Inspirational Speaker and Performance Artist.  You can also contact, Mike Tucker, at 202.904.4955 or or

Posted via email from Stanice Anderson's WOW Zone

We Need musicians.

I need to put about 5 piece band together for a show/concert my son & I are looking to produce right after Thanksgiving holidays. Guitar, bass, keyboards, violin, and percussionist.  Here is taste of what I do.  Now, just want to do more singing than talking on my shows; thus a concert.   Marvin Gaye, Swing Out Sister, Mahalia Jackson, Nina Simone, Gladys Knight, Raheem DeVaughn, Mercy Me flavors à Stanice Anderson Style.  Say what??!! Is it possible???!!! Can it be???  Live in it! 

I’m walking on water when the ground ain’t enuf.  I thought you knew.  If you are interested, email .mp3 sample to or

Posted via email from Stanice Anderson's WOW Zone