Friday, September 17, 2004

Isn't It Amazing?

Isn't it amazing how when you are obedient in what God gives you to do—no matter how large or small the task—He freely gives you whatever is needed to carry out the task? Then, as if that's not grace enough--He infuses that act of obedience—with His Resurrection Power, wrapped in His Unceasing Love, and Unleashed by the Holy Spirit. Thusly so and only then are hearts touched, hope leaps forth, destinies are changed, and eternal rewards are indelibly imprinted in God’s Book of Life—not only the recipients; but also, the doers. Therefore, Chosen Ones, as the Word instructs us, “let your light so shine among men (as in mankind) that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

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