Saturday, January 29, 2005

In God we Trust?

So many people are trying to take "God" out of everything. No nativity scenes, no Ten Commandments, no praying in schools, most recently no praying at inaugurations. But how about the money? I haven't heard about anyone trying to take the "In God We Trust" off the money. Why do you think that is? Well, I have a theory. Perhaps, folks figure that just in case there really is a God they don't really want to piss Him/Her/or It off when it comes to their almighty dollar. The souls and lives of children in the schools are one thing but MONEY, MONEY, MONEY? After all, they have their priorities.

Some of you...more in tuned with the news than myself may say, "Yes, there're after the In God We Trust too." Well, I say this to you. I bet you a dollar and one share of Krispy Kreme donut stock that the dollar bill will be the absolute last thing that these "God-outers" will change. Think about it.

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