Photo: My Son & Granddaughter
Many of us have done things in our past that we are not proud of, are embarrassed about, or even feel a residue of shame when we think about the selfishness and self-centeredness of some of the bad choices we made. However, some of us have also experienced the unconditional love of a child, whether our own or someone elses, and as a result of looking into these forgiving faces our cooled hearts are warmed and we get a glimpse of Gods unconditional love and forgiveness.
© 2002, Stanice Anderson – excerpt from I Say A Prayer For Me
Michael, Jr and Michal are absolutely beautiful - what a blessing!
Cheryl White your son and grandaughter I know are a blessing to you.Because i have 5 boys and 2 grand sons.I just wanted to tell you that yes we all have done some wrong in our lives but God is still working miracles and his Love is the best love you can ever know.It does not matter who you are today,or tomorrow he will always love you for you.you have great Web-site.I enjoyed reading it .
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