Barbara, my friend, I seize this opportunity to thank you—again—for inspiring me to explore my God-given talents and gifts—including motherhood.
It was you who took the time to coach me into singing at my first talent show. Through your patience and prodding during rehearsals, I was able to go from singing with my back to the audience, to slowly developing the courage to face the audience with my eyes closed, of course, to the night of the show where I was belting out my songs with the confidence of a diva. You, Barbara, showed me how to fly! As if that wasn't enough, you helped me develop a mother's consciousness that I lacked at the start of my recovery journey. Remember that same night at the talent show, I had my son with me, he was only about 9 years old and once I started singing, I took it to the extreme and felt the need to sing back up for everybody and all at the expense of my precious son--it was getting late and all he wanted to do was go home? You took the risk and intervened.
Well, I remember and those moments were so significant to me -- so life changing for both myself and my son that I recanted it in last book, "...Stanice, take that boy home! He's tired and he should be home and in his bed asleep this time of night...I could smell the greasy potato chips that lingered on her breath as she stood almost nose-to-nose with me. As she reared her neck back, her freshly spiraled Jerri curls shook and shone under the bright corridor light. Like bullets, her words shot out of the barrel of her month: 'Look girl, you already sang your last song. Cut! That's a wrap! The show's over for you! Now, take that boy home.'
"Barbara, listen You--"
"No, Stanice you gonna listen to what I have to say and I don't care how much you don't like it. You always talk about wanting to learn how to be a good mother. Well consider this your first lesson! Your child's needs MUST come before your own. Look at him. What are his needs at this moment?"
You were so right, my friend. I submitted to your "tough love" and I thank God that you took the time and loved me enough to help me.
Mike is now 29 and through the years we have developed an incredibly loving and nurturing relationship. And now Mike has a daughter, Michal, my first grandchild. So, together as family of many generations to come--we thank you. Rest easy, Chosen One...you have stored up treasures in Heaven--I am a witness. Amen. So be it!
© 2005 Stanice Anderson www.stanice.com
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