Saturday, July 24, 2010

Can't Make the Let's Go To PRINT PARTY?

Hey there, Water-Walker:

Many people have let me know that due to location they can't make the party, but want to participate in taking my new book, Walking On Water When The Ground Ain't Enuf, to print. 

So for those of you who Can't make the party, for any reason; no problem.   Use the link below to make your donation in any amount.   

For every "Let's Go to PRINT" donation of $20 or more you will be mailed a signed copy of my book, WALKING ON WATER WHEN THE GROUND AIN'T ENUF, upon publication, in August.  Thus, $100 donation means five (5) signed books mailed to you that you can share.

I want to thank you, either way, for whatever you can do.  Prayers, donations, spreading the word, whatever.  I pray God's extreme favor saturate your lives and everything you put your hands and hearts to.  Amen.  So be it! 

If you want to receive my newsletter and a free chapter one of my new book, sign up on my FB profile box.  Or, you can send email

Love, Respect and Blessings Galore,

Stanice Anderson

Posted via email from The WOW Zone

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