Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Update: Let's Go To PRINT PARTY was G-O-O-D!

District 51 and Shout Glory LLC presented Stanice Anderson’s Let’s Go To PRINT PARTY, Sunday, July 25th at Liv (The BREAkFAST kLUB) on 11th & U St., NW (atop the historic Bohemian Caverns), Washington, DC

We made our way to the venue in a thunderSTORM. Wow, it was intense!  Had to pull over a couple of times. I thought I saw super cells trying to form into funnels.  Too many "storm chaser" shows?  It was scary. Found out later, there WAS a tornado watch in affect.  I'm sure it had an impact on people's decisions to come to the event. But still quite a few, braved the elements; or like me didn’t know there was a tornado watch.  So, those that didn’t make it, you were there in spirit!  My prayer was for everyone to be safe.

We had a great time. I performed with all my heat like it was a crowd of thousands. Thank you, Thank you for coming!  God blessed us, indeed! I'll post photos later.

Hold up… what’s this?  Fresh in.

Okay the photos just landed.  Thanks to photographer Nikki.  

I was tearing up by the 3rd photo.  I love how God does a thing!  I've been struggling so hard since before the year came in.  So much pain (with double knee surgery and all) and yet through it all, I see the light of God present in me and in the day and in each of you that came out to support me.  Nothing stopped us from walking on water!  Now, I'm straight up crying.  Might as well get a "Praise God from whom all blessings flow up in here."  THANK YOU, JESUS!!!  I'm doing better than I know. 

I posted a photo album on FaceBook; but, so anyone can see it, the pubic URL is http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=235467&id=662940694&l=a41389ee2a

(Photo upper – Stanice & Son, Mike Tucker (event producer), (Cover painting, Demont “Peekaso” Pinder)
(Cover Design, Mike Tucker), (Dress courtesy of Marcia DuVall, owner of Trade Secrets) (My WOW Zone radio show, live remote hosted by Joyce Burnette http://BlogTalkRadio.com/TheWOWZone  OnDemand available 24/7 and live Sundays 5 pm to 5:45 pm EST)

SPECIAL till August 5th, Pre-order my signed book, Walking On Water When The Ground Ain’t Enuf, for only $13.95 with FREE S&H.  Click link:  https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=Z3RPTETXCTQLW

People are saying:

"Like its author, Walking on Water When The Ground Ain’t Enuf, is authentic, uplifting and inspired reading for anyone needing the wind at their back for transportation to a special place." (S Robert Morgan  (Actor/Director) For us HBO "The Wire" fans; he played Butchie.")

"If you want to learn how to mount up on wings like an eagle, or run and not get weary, start by watching Stanice walk on water!" Joy Jones, Author/Performance Poet/Playwright (Black Women Playwrights’ Group)

“After reading just the first chapter of Stanice’s new book, I feel rejuvenated by her words in prose and prayer. She’s truly an anointed word and prayer warrior. We can all learn wonderful and marvelous things from her powerful teachings within the pages of this manuscript.” Barbara Joe Williams, Independent Publisher & Author, A Writer's Guide to Publishing & Marketing

Love and Blessings Galore,


Posted via email from The WOW Zone

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