As people are visiting my FB page, where I’ve posted my story as first told on The 700 Club 25 years ago, a lot of responses include or a singular “wow.” It seems that the video is just as anointed—as powerful, as the day they filmed it. As the evening I lived my crossover from death to eternal life. My leap out of darkness into the marvelous light.
Folks are posting comments which show me that God is STILL meeting its viewers within the frames—within the words. I’m humbled and at His feet—gratefully and joyfully so!
It seems that I was born again with WOW written into my new DNA. One WOW experience after another since being clean and free. How He did it, opportunities He's brought my way, peoples He's chosen to walk along beside me at all the stages of my life. All WOW. And the titles and concepts that have emerged through the pain and woven into my healing. All wow. Walking on Water When The Ground Ain't Enuf (started off with just the title).
Then a year or so later; my son suggested I put together a performance and showcase the talents God gave me. We picked a date. He found a venue. Then he asked, “What do you want to call it?” Without hesitation, I announced with the surety of a DreamWorks™ green-lighted project, Walking on Water When The Ground Ain't Enuf: A One-Woman Experience. My son and I premièred the show January 2007 to a standing room only crowd of 250 at Cada Vez on historic U Street NW, Washington, DC.
From there, it went on the road to Hartford, CT; Fayetteville, NC; Chicago, IL, back to DC, then Prince George’s County, and pieces of the show go wherever I’m asked to speak or perform. Spokentry/Poetry here. Monologues there. A song or two thrown in. Stand-up comedy sandwiched in understanding that laughter heals too.
In the process, The WOW Zone™ was born. And a tagline, laid into my mind like a soft feather pillow: Where walking on water is a way of life.
And now the new book, Walking on Water When The Ground Ain't Enuf, Book 1 in The WOW Zone™ series...for water-walkers and water-walker wannabes. And last Sunday, July 25th, my son & I, produced another event that allowed me to set my light on a bushel—showcase the gifts & talents God gave me.
Nobody but God could orchestrate such things. Even the hard and painful things built in between are not wasted. These are, I believe, what makes the light shine brighter and farther. Yes, only God can design such beautiful and marvelous things. Things that make you say, “Wow!”
“I know where my help comes from. My Help comes from The Lord; the Maker of Heaven and Earth!” (from Psalm 121)
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